Monday, January 17, 2011

Lazy lazy blogger...

Finally arrived in my city, got my new rental car and computer, accommodation is being sorted and life is good.  The transition to Malaysia went off without a hitch, and leaving the cold of Hiroshima behind was a welcome thing indeed!  I am on a bit of a food tour recently, eating almost everything in sight!  Really enjoying sharing time with some good people, meeting interesting folks and grinding on some of the most enviable cuisine on the planet.  For sure.

Simple post today...time to get out in it.  More later...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

10 Day Countdown

Well, it's come down to it.  The 10 day mark is today.  Departure for KL on January 11, 2011.  Last day of work was December 22, 2010.  First weeks in Malaysia entail meetings, induction and orientation with all staffs associated with my company and base schools.  So this basically constitutes a month without actually WORKING.  Because, if you ask me, Orientation, Induction and meeting people and discussing teaching pedagogy, techniques and experience is not's just plain fun!  But I really like working, and I guess I like what I do.

Tokyo was sheer delight.  10 days there in a beautiful place where I could relax, cook, play Wii, practice guitar, read and generally just be myself.  It was, without a doubt, the best time I have ever spent in Tokyo.  And it was LONG!  So, many thanks to my host, and the people who met up with me while I was helped me to remember how I have come to love this country, and why.

Back now in Hiroshima, securing payment on Sayonara sale items, reading, replenishing my spirit.  My apartment is basically acting like a cocoon....keeping me focused, safe and secure until I emerge, with wings, near the Equator.  I am really looking forward to it.  It will be something different from anything I have ever done, and it will be HOT, with amazing food (and maybe some Air Conditioning).  I am looking forward to the adventure.  I need it.  I realized that I have become very used to Japan.  Perhaps someday that will be delightful, and a welcome feeling, but for now it is almost like a noose around my neck.  A break is definitely needed.  But will Malaysia be a break?  One never knows....but all I can say is....great food, great beaches, no winter....could spell trouble for yours truly!  But life wouldn't be worth living without a little trouble...